Abstract Submission Guidelines


  • WOSC 2022 will be an in-person conference; authors must attend and present at the conference in-person
  • Papers may have multiple authors; at least one author must register for and attend the conference 
  • Authors should indicate the type of submission (paper, poster, dialogic) on the form and whether they are willing to accept an alternate format
  • All abstracts must be submitted in English
  • Submitted abstracts must be anonymized
  • All abstracts will be double-blind reviewed for the quality of their educational/theoretical/research content, their adherence to submission guidelines, and their link to the conference theme

Submission Types:

Oral Sessions

These face-to-face live sessions are approximately 15 minutes followed by a question period. They can address a range of theoretical, educational or research-based topics relating to but not limited to the conference theme. 

Poster Sessions

Posters will be displayed in hard copy format and presented in real time and space with a question period.  They can address a range of theoretical, educational or research-based topics relating to but not limited to the conference theme. 

Dialogic Sessions

These interactive 55-minute sessions may propose innovative formats and should involve active participation and engagement of session attendees. They can address a range of theoretical, educational or research-based topics relating to but not limited to the conference theme, and are intended to invite dialogue, discussion, and collegial debate. 

All submitted abstracts should:

  • Be written in English
  • Use a word count of 250 words or less (excluding title, key words, and references)
  • Include a title of 12 words maximum.
  • Include three key words.
  • Indicate clearly whether submission is theoretical, educational, or research-based.

Use the following headings:

  • Introduction including Purpose/Proposition
  • Approach or Methods
  • Results/ Findings/ Supporting Arguments
  • Implications for Occupational Science

Abstracts may:

  • Include up to five references; these will not be part of the competitive criteria for abstract review
  • Include a translated version in the language of the author’s choice

All submitted abstracts should:

  • Be written in English
  • Use a word count of 250 words or less (excluding title, key words, and references)
  • Include a title of 12 words maximum

Describe the focus of the session and use the following headings:  

  • Purpose of the session 
  • Structure and method of participant engagement
  • Two discussion questions or themes

Abstracts may:

  • Include up to five references; these will not be part of the competitive criteria for abstract review
  • Describe how multiple languages may be incorporated to create spaces for participation and dialogue
  • Include a translated version in the language of the author’s choice