Morning Event
Addressing praxis: A dialogue regarding the contribution of occupation to diverse processes of social transformation
Wednesday, August 17, 2022. 8:30-12:30pm PST
This workshop aims to bring together all those interested in working towards transformation of social relationships and particularly in exploring the contribution of occupation to these processes of transformation. The workshop is organised by the International Social Transformation through Occupation (ISTTON) network. The day will open with a panel of presentations, aiming to capture the praxis of social transformation from a range of contexts and theoretical orientations. Small group work will bring these perspectives into dialogue with participants’ own experiences, working towards a plenary session that will share the rich montage of theoretical perspectives that can inform engaging occupation in processes of social transformation. Participants will be invited to develop ongoing working partnerships around areas of particular interest and engagement with the work of ISTTON.
Face-to-face Event (4 hours)
Cost: $50 Canadian + 5% GST
Afternoon Event
Global Classroom: Diversifying perspectives in occupational science on structural inequality
Wednesday, August 17, 2022. 1:00-4:00pm PST
This global classroom invites students in occupational science and in occupational therapy from around the world to learn about occupational science, to explore the importance of multiple ways of knowing, and to learn, share, and reflect on how an occupational lens is relevant to understanding and addressing structural inequalities. The session is particularly relevant ot Occupational Therapy students in programs from around the globe, Occupational Science undergraduate and graduate students, and educators, faculty, and instructors. In part 1 panel experts will introduce structural inequalities, diverse ways of knowing, and discuss knowledge paradigms to unravel and deconstruct how we can come to know about the sources and shaping of structural inequalities (e.g. Indigenous ways of knowing, collective ways of knowing, and ethics related to exploring the complexity and impact of structural inequalities experienced by people). Part 2 will engage students and learners in interactive group break out sessions moderated by graduate students in exploring structural inequalities (e.g. poverty, forced migration, global pandemics, incarceration, unemployment disability, natural disasters, etc), and will expand on and integrate knowledge of multiple ways of knowing. Part 3 will focus on ways to move forward with knowledge generation and sharing. Panelists will introduce two opportunities to promote further dialogue of structural inequalities and actions toward change. Participants will share the many possibilities discovered through the breakout sessions.
Hybrid Face-to-Face and Synchronous Virtual Event (4 hours)
Cost: $50 Canadian + 5% GST
Pre-Conference events can be booked together with conference registration, or separately, using the same form. Please select ‘Event only’ under registration type, and check Morning and/or Afternoon event under the Pre-Conference events section.